Instructions for manuscript preparation

By observing the following guidelines in the preparation of your manuscript, you can help us speeding up the editorial production process and thus publication of your paper upon acceptation.

Please consider in particular our format for references and our new policy for acknowledging referees.

This page just gives some technical instructions, it is beyond its scope to describe how papers should be written. To this end, we recommend Terence Tao's great "Advice on writing papers" and D. Goss' "Hints on Mathematical Style".

Front matter

Each manuscript should include

  1. the title of the paper,
  2. authors' full names, e-mail address, affiliation and postal address;
  3. a short abstract not exceeding 200 words, the 2010 Mathematics subject classification and 2-3 keywords or phrases.
    [See below for the suggested LaTeX code of the preamble.]

Acknowledgement of referee's contributions

Our journal now encourages authors to thank the referees in an "Acknowledgement" section or \paragraph{...}, if their reports led to an improved version of the manuscript. In particular, in case of manuscripts accepted after a major revision, it is now mandatory to acknowledge the contribution of the refereees.
(This also values the peer review process and is an indicator for the quality of the papers published in our Journal.)

Format of references

The References (bibliography) should be in alphabetical order (according to authors' last name(s)) and formatted as follows:

  1. Please give the full list of authors, with initials of given names (followed by dots and separated by spaces), i.e., not "A.U. Thor et al.", but rather: "A. U. Thor, N. O. Therone".
  2. Please give the full title of the paper (or book). It will be displayed in italics in our journal's style.
  3. For journal articles, please give the full name of the journal, without abbreviations. 
    Please give also the complete pagination, starting page--ending page.
    In summary, the LaTeX code should look like:
    \bibitem{T10} A. U. Thor, N. O. Therone, \textit{This is the title}, Journal of Something~\textbf{99}, no.~1 (2010), pp.~99--123
    and the result would appear as:
    [1] A. U. Thor, N. O. Therone, This is the title, Journal of Something 99, no. 1 (2010), pp. 99–123

Format of the source file

The source file of your manuscript must be submitted, upon acceptance, as a LaTeX file. If you are unfamiliar with this format, you can use WYSIWYG typesetting programs as LyX or Scientific WorkPlace (SWP) to produce them.

Some tips concerning the preparation of the latex file:

  1. The front matter (title, author, ...) should be entered with normal capitalization (i.e., lowercase) using the dedicated LaTeX commands \title{...}, \author{...} etc., and not like, e.g., \begin{center} \large MY TITLE \bigskip A. U. THOR ... Specifically, the first lines of your file should ideally look like:
    \usepackage{amsmath,amsfonts} % (the packages you really need)
    \title{This is my Title} % NOT ALL UPPERCASE: "THIS IS MY TITLE"
    \author{My Name\thanks{e-mail address}\\ My Institute ; Postal Address}
    %(...DEFINITIONS...) \def\R{{\mathbb R}} etc.
    ( goes my abstract....)
    \paragraph{MSC subject class:} (... MSC numbers, cf. ...)
    \paragraph{Keywords:} (...Some keywords...)
    % ( goes the body of the paper...)
    \bibitem{...}...\end{thebibliography} \end{document}
  2. Equations are numbered within sections. However, you should use latex commands \label{...} and \ref{...} (or \eqref{...}) to label and refer to theorems, equations etc., to avoid complications during the editorial process. (Please type, e.g., see equation~\eqref{eq:14}, and not "see eqn. (3.14)", putting the number explicitely by hand.)
  3. Please also use the \cite command to refer to references.
    Instead of "\cite{paper1}, p. 58 and \cite{paper2}, Theorem 5",
    please type "\cite[p.~58]{paper1} and "\cite[Theorem~5]{paper2}".
  4. Please do not use excessive \left( ... \right) commands, i.e. grouped parentheses which change in size (produced in Scientific WorkPlace by typing Ctrl-5 or clicking the "( [...] )" button),
    - for simple exponents and indices / subscripts (e.g., write  f^{(k)}  and not  f^{\left( k \right)}, 
    - for simple function arguments
    : Please write  f(t)  and not  f\left( t\right).
    The latter creates an ugly space between the name of the function and the parentheses holding its arguments. Of course, these grouped parentheses are fine to enclose any other arithmetic expressions, and they are acceptable when function arguments are of big size.

Some more words concerning style, to avoid common errors:

  • Please be precise and specify "for all" / "for some", instead of writing, e.g., "... where  xR".
    In phrases, these words should not be replaced by symbols. In formulas, universal and existential quantifiers should precede the expression involving the corresponding variables: Do not write "f(x)>0, ∀x>0", but "∀x>0: f(x)>0". (The exact punctuation used ("∀x,..." vs "∀x:..." or "∀x  ..." or "(∀x)(...)") is a matter of your personal taste which we will respect.)
  • Bibliographic references should follow a complete English phrase, and not be used as a word:
    "In [1] it was shown ..." is incorrect, please write rather: "Warner proved that ...~\cite{1}." Or, if you prefer, "It has been shown that ...~\cite{1}."
    Also, the \cite command (as well as \ref and \eqref) should be attached to the preceding word by an "unbreakable" space ~, to avoid that it falls "alone" on the beginning of the next line.
  • As far as possible, use the {eqnarray} or the {align} environment to format equations, observing the alignment of "=" or "<" signs etc.; when (the R.H.S. of) a long equation is broken into two lines, the second line should start beyond the column of the "=" signs with the operator connecting it to the r.h.s. of the first line:
f(x)   = a ( b(x) + c )
   + d(x) e(x)       (3.1)

This can be achieved by the latex code

\begin{align} f(x) &= a\,( b(x) + c )\nonumber\\
&\quad{} + d(x) \, e(x)  \end{align}

(Without "{}", the "+" is not a binary operator but a unary plus sign which has no space after it.)
If the L.H.S. is very long, consider using the \lefteqn{...} command.

Thank you in advance for your efforts to send in a duly formatted submission!

The JNEEA Editorial board.